Instagram Stories have become crucial for connecting with people on social media. The ability to repost stories on Instagram can help creators leverage a fantastic way to keep their followers interested and show off more about their brand. It’s also a great way to share content created by your followers, which can help build trust and credibility.

But what if you find a story that you wish to share with your followers? That’s where knowing how to repost a Story on Instagram comes in handy. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about reposting Instagram Stories. Whether you’re an everyday user who wants to spread inspiring content or a business looking to share user-generated stories, this article will teach you how to repost story on Instagram in a way that’s effective and respectful.

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Can you repost others’ Instagram Stories?

Yes, you can repost others’ Instagram Stories, but with certain conditions. To share someone else’s Instagram story with your followers, a few conditions must be met:

  • The account should be public, not private.
  • The option to share Instagram stories must be turned on.
  • You must be tagged in the Story.

How to repost Instagram Story when tagged

Sharing stories on Instagram where you’ve been tagged is easy. When someone mentions you in their Story, you’ll get a message with the Story.

To share it on your account, follow these steps:

  • Open Instagram and tap the “Message icon” at the top right;
  • Find the chat with the user who tagged you in their Story;
  • Tap on the Story they sent you;
  • Select “Add This to Your Story.”
  • Make any edits you want, like adding text or changing the background color;
  • Choose if you want all your followers or just close friends to see the Story you’re sharing.

How do you repost a Story on Instagram that you’re not tagged in?

While reposting a story you are tagged for on Instagram is simple, the reverse is the case when you are not tagged. There is no direct way to repost a story you are not tagged for on Instagram. However, with a little bit of workaround, you can still get it done.

1. Take a screenshot or screen recording

In situations where direct reposting isn’t possible, there’s a simple workaround available. You can take a screenshot or screen recording of the Story you want to share and then upload it as a new Instagram story. This method allows you to still share the content with your audience, although in a slightly different way.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Use your device’s screenshot or screen recording feature to capture the Story you wish to repost;
  • Once you’ve taken the screenshot or recording, save it to your device’s photo gallery or camera roll;
  • Open the Instagram app and create a new story;
  • Select the screenshot or video from your photos as the content for your new Story;
  • Before posting, you can make edits to the screenshot or video as desired. This might include adding text, stickers, or other elements to enhance the Story;
  • Finally, share the reposted Story with your Instagram story, choosing your desired audience (all followers or specific groups like close friends).

While this method may require a bit more effort compared to direct reposting, it serves as a handy workaround when not tagged in a story.

2. Use a third-party app

You can also repost an Instagram story using unique apps. These apps offer more choices and ways to customize your repost.

Here’s a simple guide on how to use them:

  • Choose a reliable third-party app from your app store, such as Repost, Story Reposter, or Regram (for iPhone users);
  • Open the downloaded app and follow the on-screen instructions to grant necessary permissions, like accessing your photo library or linking your Instagram account;
  • Use the app to search for the Instagram story you want to repost, whether for your social media strategy or as a feed post;
  • Once you’ve found the Story, follow the app’s guidelines to repost it, typically by tapping a “Repost” button or selecting a repost option.

How to repost a Story to your Instagram feed

Reposting a story to your Instagram feed involves a few extra steps compared to directly reposting within Instagram Stories.

If you’ve posted a story that did well and want to keep it up for your fans in your Feed, you can follow these quick steps:

  • Go to your stories archive and choose the Story you want to repost;
  • Click on the three dots located on the right side of the screen;
  • Choose the option’ share as post.’
  • The Story will open in the photo editing tool, where you can adjust its dimensions to fit your Feed;
  • After cropping it correctly, you can post it on your grid.

How to repost a Feed post on your Instagram Story?

You can also share a regular post or reel from Instagram with your Story. It’s a great way to show your audience content created by others. However, this method won’t work if the account is private or if sharing settings are turned off.

To repost an IG Feed post to your Instagram Story, follow these steps:

  • Find the Instagram post you want to share on your Story;
  • Tap the small arrow button at the bottom of the post;
  • A menu will appear; select the option to add the post to your Story;
  • Customize the post’s size, add text, or make any edits you like;
  • The original poster’s username will be automatically credited;
  • Review everything, then share it in your Story.

Can I control who shares my post to their Instagram Stories?

Yes, you have some control over who shares your post to their Instagram stories. Instagram provides privacy settings that allow you to manage who can share your posts as stories.

Here’s how you can control this:

1. Switch to a private account

By setting your Instagram account to private, you can limit who can view and share your posts. Only your approved followers will be able to share your posts to their stories.

2. Restrict story sharing

Even if you have a public account, Instagram lets you restrict who can share your posts to their stories. You can do this by going to your profile, accessing the settings, and then selecting “Privacy.” From there, navigate to “Story” settings and adjust the option for “Allow Resharing to Stories.”

In summary

Reposting Instagram Stories is an invaluable tool for maintaining audience engagement, sharing meaningful content, and fostering a sense of community. It allows users to showcase diverse perspectives, collaborate with others, and amplify the reach of valuable content. There are a number of ways to repost Instagram stories, and the method you use depends on whether or not you are tagged.


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