Social media platforms often spark curiosity about privacy, especially regarding who can see your online activity. People often wonder if Instagram keeps track of how much they visit other users’ profiles or skim through content. Users might even wonder if there’s a way to determine who checks their profile and when.

Similarly, they might worry if others can tell when they spend time looking at someone else’s profile for a short or even longer. Are your secret Instagram visits secret? In this article, I’ll answer this question and also show you ways to have a glimpse of the number of visits your profile is getting.

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Can people see when you view their Instagram?

Instagram doesn’t provide a feature that allows users to see who viewed their profile or posts. However, any interaction, such as a follow, like, or comment, will notify the profile/content owner of your activity.

This means that when you browse someone’s profile or view their posts, they won’t receive any notifications or alerts indicating your visit. Similarly, you won’t be able to see who snoops around your Instagram profile or content. The benefit of this is that users can look at public or private profiles (if you follow them) without the owners knowing.

An exception to this, however, is the Instagram story feature. This content type on Instagram does notify users about who views it, but this doesn’t extend to regular posts or profiles.

Can you see how many people have viewed your Instagram?

While you can’t see the identities of anyone who visits your profile, it’s still possible to see the total number of visits your profile gets. However, this depends on the account type, as Instagram provides tools to monitor these visits through its Creator Account.

Here is how to switch to a Creator account and use the ‘Profile visit’ feature:

  • Navigate to your profile settings by tapping the three dots in the top right corner.
  • Select “Account” and tap “Switch to a Professional Account.”
  • Choose the “Creator” account option for more flexible profile controls and growth tools.
  • Select a category that best suits your profile. This won’t impact the visit tracking.
  • Opt to display this category label on your profile if relevant.
  • With the Creator Account set up, click on the hamburger icon at the top of the page.
  • Click on the “Insights” tab from the options displayed.
  • Tap on “Insights” to access data on content activity and audience engagement.
  • Scroll to Insights “Accounts reached” tab to track profile visits.
  • Look for the “Profile Visits” section at the bottom of the page.
  • Instagram displays the number of profile visits for the past week.
  • The data includes weekly information to track visit trends.

This way, while you don’t get the exact details of who is visiting your profile, the Instagram’s Creator Account still gives you an idea of the weekly number of visits your profile receives.

Does Instagram show who viewed your profile?

No, Instagram has no feature showing you who viewed your profile. The platform prioritizes user privacy and browsing anonymity, so users cannot see a list of people who have viewed their profile or posts. A great way to figure out who’s interested in your Instagram posts is by checking who frequently likes, comments, and engages with your IG Stories.

Can I see the profiles I visited on Instagram?

No, Instagram doesn’t provide a direct feature that allows users to see a list of profiles they’ve visited. However, there are alternative approaches you can explore to gain insight into your recent profile visits. For instance, if you’ve searched for a specific user, you can use the ‘Recent Search’ feature on Instagram to see a list of searched profiles.

Wrapping Up

Instagram doesn’t have a feature that lets you see who has viewed your profile. They prioritize user privacy and keep this information confidential. You can only get to know specifically who has viewed your profile or content if they interact with such content.


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