Here’s the transcription of the video:

Welcome back to another episode of Push Forward, the podcast that explores the latest tools, trends, and strategies for content creators and entrepreneurs. Today, we’re going to dive into a topic that’s making waves in the world of e-commerce and content creation, and it is Shopify’s new “Link in Bio” tool, Link Pop.

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Link Pop: If you’ve heard about Link Pop or not, it’s similar to other “Link in Bio” tools available out there. It’s all about creating an online landing page for your business that you can customize to include social media links, links to your website, pictures, things like that. You can also customize it with shoppable product links and links to other sources of content besides social media. It’s essentially like having a digital business card, perfect for people in businesses of all sizes and content creators looking to curate and highlight specific pieces of their content.

Shoppable Links: What’s also exciting is the shoppable links are powered by Shopify’s secure checkout process. Shopify is a trusted platform used by millions of merchants worldwide, and that helps ensure people can shop with confidence on your link.

Use Case: The importance or rather use case of having a good “Link in Bio” tool, such as Link Pop, Linktree, or Push Bio, is to guide your customer from a spark of interest from a specific post to a checkout page in as few clicks as possible. Shoppable links are a great way to enhance the shopping experience for your customers. They allow you to lead your customers to specific pages and products precisely when their interest is the highest.

Simplifying the Journey: If you haven’t explored the world of shoppable links through Link Pop, Push Bio, Linktree, Bitly, or any of those tools, you’re missing out on sales. It’s about simplifying the journey for your audience and making shopping easier and more enjoyable.

Versatility: These “Link in Bio” tools are not one size fits all, but it’s their versatility that makes them worth your time. You can use it as just an online business card or go in-depth with it and use it as a curated showcase of your products and content.

For Social Media Influencers: Specifically, for social media influencers, it’s a means to highlight specific pieces of content from your platforms and create a direct path for your followers to engage with your brand.

Conclusion: Whether you’re an early entrepreneur or a seasoned influencer, a tool like Link Pop can have the potential to enhance your online presence and boost your sales. If you’re just getting started in the online business world or looking to enhance your digital presence, using a tool like Link Pop could be the next step in increasing your presence and sales.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link