As of March 2024, Snapchat has 800 million monthly active users worldwide, including 414 million daily active users. This makes finding someone on the platform without their Username extremely difficult. As a creator, your Snapchat username is like your digital identity, representing you across the platform.

However, there might come a time when you feel the need for a change, whether it’s to refresh your online persona or align it better with your evolving self. This makes knowing how to change Snap username a valuable knowledge. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of changing your Snapchat username.

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Can I change my Username on Snapchat?

Yes, Snapchat users can change their Username, although the platform only allows this once a year. This allows users to display their creative side while still maintaining a form of decorum on the platform by not allowing constant username changes.

How to change Snap username

The Snapchat username can be viewed under the display name. and if you wish to change your Username, follow these steps:

  • Open Snapchat on your device;
  • Tap your Bitmoji in the top-left corner of the screen;

Tap your Bitmoji in the top-left corner of the screen;

  • Access Settings by tapping on the gear icon in My Profile;

Access Settings by tapping on the gear icon in My Profile;

  • Navigate to ‘Username’ within the ‘My Account’ section;

Navigate to 'Username' within the 'My Account' section;

  • Select ‘Change Username.’

Select 'Change Username.'


How to Change Your Snapchat Username 1

  • Input your desired new Username, then tap ‘Next.’

Input your desired new Username, then tap 'Next.'

  • Confirm your username change by entering your password, and tap ‘Confirm.’

Confirm your username change by entering your password, and tap 'Confirm.'

It’s important to note that changing your Username will not affect any other aspect of your Snapchat account, such as your contacts, Snap Code, Snap Score, or Memories.

What makes a valid Snapchat username?

A valid Snapchat username typically follows certain criteria:

  1. Length: It must be 3-15 characters long.
  2. Characters: It can include letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, periods (.), hyphens ( – ), and underscores (_).
  3. Special Characters: It cannot include spaces, emojis, or other special characters.
  4. Availability: It must be unique and not already taken by another Snapchat user.
  5. Non-offensive: It should not contain offensive language or hate speech or violate Snapchat’s community guidelines.

These guidelines ensure that usernames are easily identifiable, unique, and respectful within the Snapchat community.

Why can’t I change my Snapchat username anymore?

If you’ve recently changed your Snapchat username, you may encounter limitations when attempting to do so again. Snapchat typically doesn’t allow username changes within a year of the last change. However, if it’s been over a year since your last username change, you can proceed with updating your Username.

Before attempting to change your Username, ensure that you’re using the latest version of the Snapchat app. This ensures compatibility with any new features or changes related to username updates. Additionally, verify that your device has a stable internet connection to complete the username change process seamlessly.

Is the Display name and Username the same on Snapchat?

No, the display name and Username are not the same on Snapchat. The Username is a unique identifier that you choose when creating your Snapchat account. The display name, on the other hand, is what appears to your friends and contacts within chats, stories, and other interactions.

You can change your display name as often as you like without affecting your Username. This allows you to personalize how you appear to others without altering your underlying Username.

How to change your Snapchat display name

Snapchat users are allowed to customize their Display name whenever they like. The character count limit for display names is set at 30 characters, including spaces, which means there is a little bit of room for creativity.

To change your Snapchat display name, follow these steps:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your device;
  • Access Settings by tapping on the gear icon in My Profile;
  • Navigate to ‘Name’ within the ‘My Account’ section;

Navigate to 'Name' within the 'My Account' section;

Input your desired Display Name and save it by tapping 'Save.'

Following the steps described above will change your display name. However, Snapchat users who already follow you will still see your old display name, while new followers will see the new display name. Also, while regular users can change their display name casually, creators must ensure that changes comply with Snapchat’s practice guidelines.

Summing up

Changing your Snapchat username can be a straightforward process if you follow the necessary steps and guidelines. Also, changing your Snapchat username can offer a sense of personalization and identity refresh on the platform. That said, you only have the chance to change your Username once in a year. Therefore, it’s important to put some thought before starting the change process.


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