If you’re a business owner, creator, or entrepreneur, you likely have dozens of articles that explain what your business does and why it’s great. You might even have several pages on your website dedicated to this purpose. However, if you want to include a professional bio in your work portfolio, which is often necessary, then making sure it includes links to these articles is important.

In fact, it can be helpful for your partners and customers looking to learn more about who they’re doing business with and how you can help them. So, how do you link to articles in a business bio?

Create your own free link in bio page

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Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

How to Link to Articles in a Business Bio

The best thing to do is to put all your links into a platform like pushbio that allows you to have multiple links. You can then post this link on your bio. Here are some tips on creating links in your business bio.

1. Write the text for your bio

You should write about yourself but in a new and interesting way. Try to think of things that make you unique. You can also write about what you do at work and why it’s important to the world.

The best way to make sure your bio is interesting is by making it personal instead of talking about yourself in vague terms like “I am a person who works hard.” If you’re unsure where to start, look at other people’s bios for inspiration.

2. Make a list of articles you want to link to from your bio

Next, list articles you want to link to from your bio. You can include links in different bio sections, such as “Lifetime Achievements” and “Skills & Accomplishments.” You can also add links to articles on social media accounts or even have your own website with a section dedicated solely to showcasing published works.

How to Link Articles

First, create your biolink page on Pushbio. Follow the steps below to do this.

  • Select the “Create Link” tab in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  • Select “Biolink page” from the drop-down menu;
  • Select your preferred domain name
  • Then, select Create biolink page.

After creating biolink page, you’ll find that Pushbio has a number of blocks that represent various features and functions. Follow these instructions to add blocks to your page:

  • Select “Total Biolinks” from the user dashboard.
  • Click on the name of a Biolink page to add blocks;
    This takes you to the Biolink settings page, where you must click “Add block.”
  • A pop-up selection of available blocks appears; by clicking, you can add the necessary block.
  • Click “Add Link” if you’re only adding just one article.
  • If you’re adding more than one article from a website you own, click on the RSS Feed option.
  • Fill out the necessary forms then click the submit button.

How to Write a Short Professional Bio

Here are some helpful tips on writing a good business bio

1. Do not focus on self-promotion

The most common mistake when writing a professional bio is focusing on self-promotion. You should not focus on your achievements or even your title. You should be focused on the reader and how you can deliver value to them.

While working in academia, I saw plenty of bios that were nothing but a laundry list of every book they ever wrote, every conference they attended, and every award they had ever won. Even worse than that were bios where people said things like “I am an Assistant Professor at XYZ University,” which doesn’t tell me anything about what kind of person you are or what you can do for me as a reader.

2. You should focus on your target audience

Regardless of the type of bio you’re writing, you should focus on your target audience and the value you can deliver to readers. This is not a resume; it is a bio. You are not writing an autobiography; you are writing a bio.

It may help to think about what kinds of questions people want to be answered when they read professional bios:

  • What do you do? (Your job title or role.)
  • How long have you been doing it? (Years of experience.)
  • What skills and knowledge do you bring to this role? (The expertise that makes up your skill set or expertise.)

3. Your bio should be approachable and conversational, not dry and corporate

A short, approachable bio is a great way of letting people know who you are. It’s also a great way to show them that you’re human and that you’re interested in connecting with them on a personal level.

That said, your bio should never be dry or corporate. It should be conversational and open. Keep it short, but don’t skimp on the details. Use examples from your life. Finally, be honest and genuine so that readers feel like they can trust you when they engage with your content.

4. Show that you’re human

People want to know who they’re talking to. They want to see that you’re a real person, not just a name on a website. A bio is an opportunity for you to show off your personality and interests in a fun way that’s still professional and appropriate for the workplace.

A good bio also helps people get acquainted with what makes you tick instead of just listing your job title and where you went to school. It’ll help them get excited about working with someone like them, someone who shares their values or at least understands where they’re coming from.

5. Keep your bio short and to the point

A concise, professional bio is a great way to introduce yourself and your work. So keep it short and sweet. The following guidelines should help you get started on a winning first draft:

  • Keep it brief. Three or four sentences should be enough.
  • Bullet points are helpful for readers who want to browse efficiently through the text.
  • Include links to your website or social media account so people can learn more about you if they’re interested in what else you have going on.
  • Include a photo of yourself. It makes the bio more personal and memorable.

6. Start with a strong introduction

Start with a strong introduction that will make people want to read the rest.

Don’t use cliches like “I’m writing to introduce myself” or “My name is Jane, and I’m applying for a job at your company.” These are boring, unoriginal, and can easily be ignored by readers who don’t want to waste their time on meaningless statements.

Instead, try starting with something interesting about yourself that positively makes you stand out from other applicants. For example, if you’re applying for an internship at an advertising agency, then maybe talk about how much you love working on creative projects or how excited you are about learning more about advertising techniques.

7. Explain why you do what you do

The second paragraph is where you get to explain why you do what you do, or how your work benefits people.

It’s also a great place to use a personal example to illustrate your point. Or, if that’s not working for you, try telling a story about how someone else benefited from something. If those don’t work either, try quoting someone else who embodies the values of the project. If none of those are working for some reason, you could still go with an analogy.

8. Finish with a short third paragraph

Finish with a short third paragraph piques the reader’s interest but leaves them wanting more.

This is where you can shine by using your final paragraph to ask a question or make a statement that will prompt the reader to want to learn more about you. If they’re interested, they’ll look for more information on their own, which could mean another opportunity for you.

Make sure it’s relevant to the event or audience you are addressing. The last thing anyone wants is an irrelevant bio. Make sure yours is relevant to your audience and to whom it’s intended.


Your business bio can be composed of more than one section, and you may want to link to specific articles in those sections. For example, if your business is a blog that publishes multiple weekly posts, it makes sense to include links within your business bio that send visitors directly to other posts.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link