Here’s the transcription of the video:

Hello, hello everyone, welcome back to the Push Forward podcast. I’m your host, Alex, and today I want to discuss monetizing your skills, not just the content you create. Many creators are talented in multiple areas, and it’s essential to explore how to turn these skills into a business.

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;
  1. Identify Your Niche: Focus on specific target audiences. You might be missing out on other audiences because you’re not broadening your current topic. For instance, if you’re selling merchandise, consider expanding your product range.

  2. Value Proposition: Determine the unique value you bring to your customers. Create a value proposition to stand out. This should also be reflected in your elevator pitch. Adjust your pitch for different target audiences.

  3. Build a Portfolio: Showcase your best work. Use tools like QR codes to quickly share your portfolio with potential clients or partners.

  4. Pricing Strategy: Consider different pricing models, such as hourly, project-based, or retainer. Also, think about discounts for long-term commitments or subscriptions. Stay aware of competitors’ pricing.

  5. Marketing Your Skills: Use your website, brand, and social media to attract new clients. Content marketing is crucial. If you’re not creating content, your competitors will, and they might attract your potential clients.

  6. Sales Channels: Explore potential sales channels, like your website or third-party platforms. Evaluate the pros and cons of each channel and decide how to integrate them into your business.

  7. Client Relationships: Invest in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. It helps maintain and update client information, ensuring smooth communication and understanding of client needs.

  8. Legal and Financial Aspects: If selling abroad, be aware of tax liabilities. Nurture relationships with your attorney and CPA. They’re essential for ensuring you operate within legal bounds and optimize your financial strategies.

In conclusion, monetizing your skills involves more than just selling a product or service. It’s about understanding your value, marketing effectively, managing client relationships, and ensuring you’re legally and financially protected.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link