Here is the complete transcription of the video:

Hello and welcome back to the Pushforward Podcast, the podcast where we help you elevate your content game. If you’re a Creator, marketer, solopreneur, this podcast is the right place for you. Here at the Pushforward Podcast, what we’re trying to do is give you all the tools and resources that you need. Every day there are hundreds, actually, I should say thousands of tools that you could use. And believe me, I know it. I’ve been in the digital marketing space for more than 15 years. I have used so many tools that I can’t count, and some were great, but most were a waste of time because we often buy into the marketing message, right? I have this pain, you have the solution, I’ll buy it. I’ll have my team spend time learning the tools, the features, the functions, but at the end of the day, what you find out is that maybe it doesn’t solve your problem.

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

So right off the top, we’re going to talk about social media management. That’s right, the episode today is about streamlining your social media tools. I’ll give you some tips for efficient posting. But right from the top, what I’ll say is that before you decide that you want to adopt a new tool, think of it like your baby. I mean, really, before you adopt a tool into your marketing stack, into your Tech stack, you need to do some auditing. You need to understand who the company is, who’s behind the company, how big their team is. You need to test their support, talk to their sales team, look at the reviews from different users, go look for videos, and always, always test a free account.

So I break it up into really three different phases: the qualification of the tool. So if I hear about a new tool, I go look at it. As I said, I’ll look at who the Creator is, the company, who’s behind it, what are the reviews looking like. I do all of that. That’s what I call auditing a tool before I adopt it. Now, once the tool has been given the green light for my team to sign up, then my next step is to start the process of talking to support. I’ll create a few support tickets, send a contact, perhaps try to call them. The communication part is phase two. And in that phase, I’m going to go ahead and sign up for the free trial. Now, if there isn’t a free trial, then I’m going to have to really dig deeper to see if I want to part with my money upfront.

If you’re a Creator, I get it, sometimes you see a tool for $5, $10, $20 a month, and you think nothing of it. But the thing is, you still have to spend your time on it. Is the tool really worth it? Is the app really worth it? You need to consider these points in phase one of your qualification. Alright, so now that it’s qualified, communication is good, I’ve done the trial, I’m in the trial, you need to put on your calendar when you’re going to use the tool and when you will test all the features, and then have your team give you feedback.

So what I like to do is, I will ask my team, here’s the tool, here’s a user account for you, test the tool, tell me what you like, what you don’t like, and let’s curate and tackle the tool together. We someone will take care of doing the tutorials and learning all the ins and outs because remember, every time you’re learning a new tool, this is a piece of software, whether it’s a web app or a smartphone app. At the end of the day, you’re taking company time, you’re taking time from creating your product. So once you do that, you say, okay, these are what we like, this is what we don’t like, we know that the communication is working this way, that way, then you’re ready.

You know, I mean, it’s the same thing for Push Bio. Push Bio is a link hosting tool. We like to say to creators that every Creator needs a tool like Push Bio, which you know, there are other competitors out there. We’ve talked in the podcast here, like Linktree. Okay, so there are definitely tools out there that you could use, but we feel like Push Bio is a tool that a Creator should have. It makes your life easier. You can create links, you could create landing pages, you could upload documents, and you could do QR codes, and so much more. However, perhaps you’re the type of creator that you don’t need all those things. And in that case, I would tell you that whether it’s the free or the paid version, Push Bio may not be the tool for you. And the same goes for any other app or tool out there.

Okay, but we know that managing multiple social media platforms can be an absolute nightmare. It’s a laborious work that you do, so streamlining it is truly necessary for efficiency and for your mental health because believe me, it could be very stressful, especially if you’re managing 20, 30, 40 different social media channels. It can be a nightmare, even with a team that is very savvy with all social media.

So what are the best social media tools for the job? So I’m going to list some here. There are tons of tools out there that can help you manage social media


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link