You may have noticed that some people use their Twitter bio to promote their blog posts or links to their Instagram accounts. Twitter is a great place to build community and encourage interaction with your brand. And if you are tired of having to choose only one social media link to add to your Twitter bio, today we’re going to show you how to add more than one social media link to your Twitter bio.

Imagine having all your social media links in one place, making it easier for your followers to find and connect with you on various platforms. In this blog post, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on How to add more than one social media link to Twitter bio.

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Can you put multiple links in your Twitter bio?

While many people may know how to add more than one social media link to Twitter bio, the most important question should be: can you put multiple links in your Twitter bio?

Yes, you can put multiple links on your Twitter bio. When you set up your Twitter profile, there are two sections for links, the website box, and the bio box. You can use both of these sections to add links to your profile page, but they don’t have to be the same links. You can even put different types of content on each one.

How to add more than one Social Media link to Twitter bio

The Twitter bio is the first thing that people see when they visit your profile page. It’s also the only place on Twitter where you can add links to other websites, so it’s important to make yours as helpful and informative as possible. There are multiple ways to add your Social media links to your twitter bio and we will look at each one:

Adding Social media links directly in your Twitter bio

Adding more than one social media link to your tweeter bio is as easy as entering normal text.

  • Open the Twitter app on your device;
  • Click on the circular human-icon at the top left corner of the screen;
  • Select Profile from the list displayed;
  • Click on “Edit profile
  • Enter the link addresses into the bio section;
  • Separate each link with a comma;
  • Click on save at the top right corner of the screen.

However, keep in mind that each social media link will be lengthy. To get around this issue, use a link shortening tool to help reduce the length considerably. Using this method allows you to add multiple social media links to your twitter bio. However, it takes up all the character count available for other necessary information. Which is why this method is not always the best when you have other information to share with your audience.

Using link-in bio tools to add multiple social media links to Twitter bio

While Twitter only puts up space for one link intended for your website, it is possible to have all the links you want on your bio. You can have one link to houses all your social media links and then add that link to your Twitter bio. This way, the audience can click on the link and have access to your other social media links.

If this method sounds appealing to you, then you would need the services if a link-in bio tool such as Pushbio or Linktree. Pushbio is an all-inclusive bio-link tool that helps people make their relationships more discoverable. Individuals and businesses can employ this powerful tool to add different types of contents to their landing page before promoting it on their twitter bio.

To use Pushbio, you need to create an account on the platform. After this, you will have to design your bio link page before proceeding to add your social media links to the page. To add social media links, follow these steps:

  • Login to your Pushbio account;
  • On your Dashboard, scroll to link section and click on the Biolink to navigate to the Biolink settings options of the page you want to add social links;
  • Click on the “Add Blocks” button;
  • Search or Scroll to the Socials tab and click on it;
  • A pop-up box displays the list of social media platforms that you can add;
  • Copy your profile username from each social media account and paste it into the appropriate boxes;
  • You can also set the color you wish your social icon to display;
  • Additionally, you can also select the size you want for your social icons.
  • Once done, click on the Submit button to finalize the addition of social media links to your Biolink page.

After this, you can add your bio link URL to the website section to your Twitter bio. The benefit of using this method is that it enhances your profile’s attractiveness, and analytics can disclose audience engagement for more informed decision-making. In essence, Pushbio improves conversions and profitability by connecting audiences with creators and their whole online portfolio.

Tips for maximizing the use of multiple social media links

These tips can help you make the most out of your multiple social media links and build a stronger, more engaging online presence.

1. Prioritize your most important social media platforms

While having multiple social media links on Twitter can be great, it’s important to prioritize the platforms that matter the most to you. Consider which social media channels you use most frequently or which ones are most relevant to your personal or professional brand. Make sure to showcase these links prominently in your Twitter bio.

2. Use creative call-to-actions

Instead of simply listing your social media handles, try using creative call-to-actions to encourage your followers to check out your other profiles. For example, you can say “Follow me on Instagram for behind-the-scenes sneak peeks” or “Connect with me on LinkedIn for professional updates and networking.”

3. Keep your links up-to-date

Make sure to regularly review and update your social media links to ensure they are accurate and relevant. If you haven’t posted on a certain platform in a while or you’ve shifted your focus to a new channel, consider removing or replacing the corresponding link in your Twitter bio.

4. Experiment with different link combinations

Don’t be afraid to switch up your social media link combination and see what works best for you. For example, you might try featuring your LinkedIn and Instagram links together one week, and then swap them out for your YouTube and TikTok links the next.

5. Monitor your analytics

Use Twitter Analytics or other social media analytics tools to monitor how often your followers are clicking on your various social media links. This can help you identify which platforms are resonating the most with your audience and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

Will your business benefit from using Twitter?

Twitter has enormous potential for generating leads and driving traffic to your company’s online properties. Did you know that more than 65.8% of businesses in the United States already use Twitter as a marketing tool? Every day, more businesses discover how to leverage Twitter’s potential for personalized, one-on-one interaction with their target audience.

Customer-to-business interactions on Twitter are extremely popular. Retweets are shared by 70% of SMB Twitter followers. Almost half of all Twitter users (49%) rely on tweets for recommendations, and 40% have made a purchase as a result of an influencer’s tweet.

In case you didn’t know, Twitter is an excellent medium for providing excellent customer service. Every month, large American airlines receive over 100,000 tweets from customers with concerns, complaints, and compliments. Giving customers a quick and helpful response increases your goodwill, which can lead to more purchases.

Twitter is an excellent platform for connecting with customers as well as promoting your blog, website, store, and other social media profiles to your followers. The problem remains with the limit on the number of links you can add to your profile.


Hopefully, you now know how to add more than one link to your Twitter bio. Remember, if you need to add more than two links or links of any type other than social media links, it’s very important to capitalize the ones that are most important to your brand. For everything else, try including them all in a single biolink.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link