If you use Instagram to promote your business or personal brand, you’re always looking for ways to make your account stand out. And one way to do that is by adding links to your Instagram bio. But what if you want to use a Bitly link instead of a regular link? In this blog post, we’ll explore whether or not you can add Bitly links to your Instagram bio and how to do it if you can.

Can you add Bitly links to Instagram bio?

Yes, you can add Bitly links to your Instagram bio. Using Bitly links can be a great way to make your bio look neater and more professional while also allowing you to track link clicks and gain valuable insights into your audience.

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Create your own free link in bio page

Ready to simplify your online presence?
With Pushbio, you can;

Plus, using Bitly links in your Instagram bio can help you promote multiple links simultaneously using Bitly’s link bundling feature. If you want to add some flair to your Instagram bio and get more out of your link-tracking efforts, using Bitly links is worth considering.

How to add a Bitly link to my Instagram bio

bitly homepage

If Bitly sounds interesting to you, and you want to try it out, you can by following these quick and easy processes:

  • Create a Bitly account: If you haven’t already, you must create a Bitly account. It’s free and easy to set up;
  • Shorten your link: Once your Bitly account is set up, you can create a shortened link for your desired URL. This will make your link easier to share and track clicks;
  • Copy your Bitly link: Once your link is shortened, you can copy the Bitly link to your clipboard;

Now that you’ve copied your Bitly link, add it to your Instagram bio using these highlighted steps:

Pushbio home

  • Click on the Edit profile button;

click on the "Edit Profile" button

  • Locate and tap on the Add Link option from the menu displayed;

Click the link space provided

  • Paste your Bitly link into the “External Link” field.
  • After pasting your Bitly link, click the “checkmark” button to save your changes.

Your Bitly link should now be visible in your Instagram bio.

Advantages of using Bitly links in the Instagram bio

When it comes to using Bitly link in Instagram bio, the benefits are enormous. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your Bitly links on Instagram:

1. Gives you a customized link

Bitly Instagram link allows you to create customized links that are easier to remember and share. Consider creating a customized link relevant to your brand or business and using that link in your Instagram bio.

2. Track your link performance

Bitly offers detailed analytics that lets you track how many clicks your link receives, where those clicks are coming from, and more. Use this information to optimize your link strategy and improve your marketing efforts.

3. Easily update your link

If you’re using your Instagram bio to promote a specific product or campaign, update your link to reflect the most current information.

4. Keep your bio clean and clutter-free

While including links in your bio is great, ensure to keep it clean and clutter-free. Consider using a tool like Pushbio or Campsite to create a landing page that allows you to promote multiple links in one place without overcrowding your bio.

Are Bitly links suspicious?

Bitly links themselves are not inherently suspicious. Bitly is a legitimate and widely used URL-shortening service trusted by many businesses and individuals. However, like any link, Bitly links can be used to redirect users to malicious websites or phishing scams if they are not used responsibly.

To prevent becoming a victim, it’s important to be cautious when clicking on any link, regardless of whether it’s a Bitly link. Before clicking on it, always verify the link is legitimate and comes from a trusted source. You can do this by checking the URL for typos or misspellings, hovering over the link to see where it leads before clicking on it or using a URL checker tool to scan the link for potential threats.

Instagram bio link guidelines

When adding a bit.ly Instagram link, remember a few guidelines to ensure you’re using the platform effectively and staying within the terms of service. Here are some general guidelines for adding a link to your Instagram bio:

1. Use a relevant link

Instagram only allows for one clickable link in your bio. This means you’ll need to choose the most important link to your business or brand and use that link in your bio. The link in your bio should be relevant to your brand or business. Ensure the link leads to a useful, informative, or entertaining page for your followers.

2. Use a call-to-action

To encourage more clicks on your bio link, include a call-to-action that encourages your followers to click the link. For example, you could say, “Shop now!” or “Learn more!”. Also, if you’re using your Instagram bio to promote a specific campaign or product, ensure your call-to-action reflects what you are promoting.

3. Follow Instagram’s terms of service

Instagram has strict guidelines for what can and cannot be posted on their platform. Make sure your link and bio content comply with these guidelines to avoid having your account flagged or removed.


By all means, you can add a Bitly link to your Instagram bio. The above procedure shows a detailed outline of how to add Bitly link to Instagram bio.

Using a URL-shortening service like Bitly, you can create a memorable and trackable link that is easy for your followers to click. However, to get the most out of your Bitly links in your Instagram bio, it’s important to follow best practices like transparency about where the link leads and why you share it.


Consolidate your online presence, boost engagement, and start growing your audience with a single link